Streamers are one of the most festive ways to celebrate a special event, especially when you use one of our Handheld Confetti Cannons or Big Shots® cannons to launch the streamers above the crowd. Artistry in Motion has a variety of streamers and streamer accessories that are designed to fit the needs of any sized celebration.
Artistry in Motion – Streamer Sizes
Artistry in Motion sells two standard streamer sizes, but special orders can also be accommodated for customized uses. The two standard sizes are 0.5″, and 1″. These streamer sizes tend to work well for most large scale celebrations, because they are all easily visible and stay in the air for extended periods of time. Each streamer is 18 feet long. If you are planning a large event, then you should consider purchasing the 1″ or larger sizes to make sure the streamers are visible to everyone attending your big celebration.
If you would like to achieve a specific effect for your event that requires customized widths or lengths, contact Artistry in Motion to discuss your event and specific celebratory needs. The confetti and streamer experts at Artistry in Motion can devise a custom game plan that will ensure that your special event is memorable and unique.
Artistry in Motion – Streamer Designs
There are three basic types of streamers at Artistry in Motion. The Single Rolled streamers are appropriate for most occasions. These 18-foot streamers are tightly wound into rolls so they can be loaded into a streamer launcher easily. You might also want to consider the Double Rolled option. This combines two rolls of tissue and film streamer into a single roll, making it easier for you to use at your event. You can also choose Imprinted streamers. These give you the option to have a company name or logo imprinted on the streamers so that you can incorporate some advertising into your celebration.
Artistry in Motion – Streamer Cannons
While you can purchase streamers from Artistry in Motion, most customers find that they get the best effects by using the rolls in conjunction with streamer launchers or cannons. Artistry in Motion has several streamer cannons that can amplify your celebration. Some of the most popular streamer launchers include the Disposable Handheld Streamer Cannon, the Reusable Handheld Streamer Cannon, the Big Shots® Cannon.
These accessories help you launch the streamers high into the air, where they will slowly fall onto your celebrating crowd. The visual effect is stunning.
You may also choose to combine your streamer accessories with handheld confetti cannons to make sure that you have plenty of festive elements for your large scale event.